Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Flying Pig (Yaletown) 中午外食探險隊-1

是我幾乎每天公司上班吃外面到現在 最好吃 CP值最高的一道菜

 Wild Seafood Pappardelle

講白一點 就是 Seafood Pasta

看那料放的真是有夠實在 看那滿滿的mussels, clams, shrimp 每次看到 都好心動
就連他的醬 竟然連我不喜歡的紅醬 都加了一點我最愛辣
這麼一大盤 在比downtown房價還要貴的yaletown 竟然只要 


無聊牛排burger 不是很糟拉
就是你看到了旁邊盤 這盤就 可以跳過

to be continue...... Lunch Venture Group GO GO GO!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

ひよ子 小雞和菓子

上次我的日本朋友也送了一盒 這次是我爸的日本朋友送的
以日本人的甜品標準來看 這簡直就是個拿不上台面的東西 

包裝長這樣 日本人真愛包裝

包裝裡面又有包裝 各自都用了紙包著

我都從頭開始吃 因為屁股的料比較多

但 也真的是沒什麼了不起的東西

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rachel Comey Mars Whisky

為了這雙短靴 我真的是 跑了超多次downtown...
本來這雙在aritzia店裡 我怎樣就是穿不進7號 連8號我都 穿了老半天 
所以我本來放棄就買另外一雙 sir barton 那雙的舒服度真的很讚 
但我真的沒有很喜歡那個顏色 太接近我的膚色了 我心目中的短靴 就是應該要是棕色的

過了幾天 想說去gravity pope 看一下別的牌子 想說 不一定要買到那麼貴的
結果 那天在他家還是不死心 硬要再試穿一次 rachel comey 7號 
腳就是很乖乖的滑進去 一點力都不用施
之後在店裡隨便看 也都看不到喜歡的 想說算了放棄了
就隨便問了一下店員 他們賣多少 結果她竟然跟我說 因為店外面的馬路在施工
所以 全店 15%off!!!!!


只能說 真皮的就是好穿
我最喜歡買到新鞋 先在家裡走來走去 確定舒服了才把它穿出去
我室友一定覺得我很奇怪 沒事在房間穿著短靴走來走去幹嘛
但 真的 就這樣過了一天吧 我真的覺得那雙鞋完全地變成我的鞋了
就像birkenstock 的鞋一樣 真皮的鞋就會慢慢的break in 然後模你的腳
到最後 就變成了一雙專屬你的鞋了!
(我的frye veronica boots 也是這樣)

近看 他的車線很好

因為設計是沒有拉鍊 感覺有更乾淨利落

鞋底還有幫你墊好 我真的超喜歡有墊底的鞋子
磨壞了 還可以拿去修 就可以穿一輩子的

不知道是老了還是怎樣 幾年前開始 我就不會只買好看的鞋子了
因為我發現 鞋子不只要好看 還要好走 好穿 
不然我這種懶人 其實也不會去穿不舒服的鞋子來折磨自己

最極限 應該就是Minnetonka Moccasins那種下面有豆豆的鞋子了
連夾腳拖我都只穿我那穿了快四五年的 Birkenstock
因為那是唯一一雙 鞋子後面會跟腳後跟一起起來的夾腳拖阿

卻被我穿到開口笑 還硬被我媽黏了強力膠的bally長靴拿去修了
那雙是home媽自己以前年輕的時候穿的 他說看起來太年輕了 就送給我了
真的很好看 又很好穿 只是大了一號
今天特地大老遠拿去給 Denman Shoe Repair 修 因為yelp的review 很不錯
老闆是一個日本人 幫我換底$20 黏膠 $20 總共才$40
如果是我 看到客人自以為聰明 把底黏成這樣 
我應該會多收$20 just to get rid off the stupid glue
就等一個禮拜 看他的功力囉!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Michael Kors Selma Bag Preview

To be honest I never really like Michael Kors. Their MK logo and too much metal on the bags just make me feel tacky and low quality. Compare to other similar price range brands, I just never really like their design. Hamilton is a little more acceptable. 

The bag is so nicely built with its saffiano leather. With the price under $400, it's just too hard to resist. So I went and snatched one at the local Holt Renfrew. (There was this scary looking aggressive girl.... that's another long story. I will save it after my finals. I just have to tell the story.)

Anyways, some quick shots on the bag...

 It's very roomy with really sturdy structure. I can even fit an apple in it.

You can see that my paper are sticking out at the top. It's okay. If I dont' put too much in the bag and let it kind of slide down, I still can zip it up.

The side. It's just so sturdy that it can stand on it's own.

Since I can't afford Prada, this is a nice alternative and to be honest, I don't think Prada worths all that money with the same leather that MK is using with 1/6 of the price. I like to not worry about my bag too much that I can just put them everywhere.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Late Night Venture.

My first picture of the night.
Such a failure. The night shots are harder than I expected.
Especially, when I tried to copy how others make their street shots. It looks easy and crisp in the picture but the truth is without the help of selective focus, your skill of framing is really important.
Like mine, pictures always turned out to be very pointless.
This blurry shot is even better than a lot of my other attempts. At least it's clear about what I have done in it.

I suggested my roommate this night visit to downtown Victoria because I want to try out my new camera. I adore the scenery of late night downtown in Victoria with its lack of population and amply full of light decoration. It is just beautiful.

We went to the Empress Fairmont hotel for some drinks. Initially she wanted to get some cocktail. But I am not in a mood for alcohol. We both got hot chocolate instead. (Something that's off the men.)  The waitress is super nice. They are not the best looking one but their service is high quality. I like people who are passionate about their job who also work with a sort of pride in them.

A pretty vase by the tea area. 

After the hot choco, we went closer to the parliament building. There we met a nice security named Pete who is from Scotland. He suggested us to dine in the "Dining Room" in the building and had a nice chat with us.

On our way back, our bus driver also offered us a ride back to our unit even though it is not his job to do so since the late bus doesn't run on that route.

Humanity restored a little bit. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

First Time.

This is my first try on my camera. 
I tried to get the focus on the keyboard but it was harder than I expected.

Now this is a better shot.
I used the Macro in the scene selection. (I actually did last time too.) But this time I held the camera further away from the keyboard. Then adjust the focus then lightly hold the bottom to let the magic worked on its own. With a slight touch from the magic finger of mine, I finally focused on the keyboard :)
I actually tried to focus on the "D" only and was hoping to have all other keys blurry. However, it doesn't look like it's working. Maybe I will try another distance next time.

I found my roommate's slipper very interesting while I was looking for some targets to shoot. So I tried a few shots with it just to get the focus on.

Then I used the effect that interest me the most in this camera - "Partial Colour". 
I chose red at first because it looks like it will stand out the most. Unfortunately, it turned out not so well. I need to figure out why. For now I am guessing it has something to do with the lighting in my unit. Probably because there were not many red light in the light from my lamp so it makes it harder to reflect on to my lenses.

So then I tried the blue. The eyes really poped out and it is more distinguishable from the black and white than the red one. So far this is my favorite one.

I bought this camera today right after work. Luckily, it is on sale for $629. $70 off ! What a lucky day for me. I appreciate the luck. Sometimes I am a little scared of luckiness in my life. So I cherish every single one that happened in my life.
(Hmmm... should I return the warranty from Best Buy?) 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

From now on.

种子 力量 萌芽  绿叶幼苗-综合图片-综合图片,绿叶幼苗

Almost at the end of work term.
For the past 4 months, I feel like accomplish nothing.
Useless and pointless.

The only task I have assigned myself was to prepare for the exam and then pass the exam.
I was not paying attention too much at work most of the time. I told myself I should study for the exam and that is why I don't need to work hard. Because I have something more important than it. But... It turns out I can't even do just one thing right.
After the exam, I feel lost and empty. Don't know what I would do and what I should do.
The past 4 months are empty to me. Nothing important has happened in my life. I do not focus. I do not work hard. I achieved nothing. I am worthless.

After yesterday's ride with Brad, I feel even worse. His daughter finished her undergrad in 3.5 years and will be starting working for Google in May at the age of 20. My feeling is complicated. I have never thought about working in a software company. And the past few months' brainless work does not motivate me in any kind. I even feel that I do not fit in this so-called "tech industry", However, the conversation I had with Brad (poorly communicated though) got me thinking. No matter what I do or what I want to do. All I can do right now is to enrich myself with knowledge with life. I should put one hundred percentage into life then start from here.